What We Do
New Life Outreach is active in many different areas:
School, Orphanage, Church, Bibel school and leadership training, Water projects etc.
But the heart of New Life Outreach is for sure our Evangelistic Campaigns.
Here we reach the entire nation of Tanzania with the good message of Jesus Christ.
People get saved, delivered from evil spirits and healed from many diseases.
Evangelistic Campaigns
At our Evangelistic campaigns thousands of people witness the reality of the gospel through signs and wonders.
During the crusades we teach pastors, preachers and churchleaders during morning sessions. This brings maturity and unity to the body of Christ. The campaigns are a developed strategy to reach the people of Tanzania. The effectiveness of this can best be seen through the thousands of new believers that enter into the churches. Many new churches are also planted in the afterwake of these meetings.
During the campaigns, New Life Outreach invests in local humanitarian projects i.e. orpahans, hiv/aids, medicine and the effectiveness of the work of New Life Outreach has been noted by the government of Tanzania. They always send high ranking government officials to these meetings and they often make the headline in the local and national media.

New Life Academy
In 2001 New Life Outreach started a School for orphans and poor children in Olosiva outside Arusha, Tanzania. Today this school has roughly 1,000 children from the poorest levels of society in the area of Arusha.
The children do not have a bright future, but we give them one. We give them a foundation on which they can build the rest of their lives. The goal is to have 1,200 children attending the school. We have not reached the goal yet, but things are progressing.
Another goal of the school is also that half of the children should be sponsored and the other half of the children should come from families that can afford to pay for the tuition. We want to mix the poor children with the more privileged children. These children are the future and we will invest in them.
To sponsor a child is 50 USD @ month.
Hayley´s House
Hayley’s House is a home for orphanage girls. The house has room for 25 girls. The house was built on the initiative of Jana Alcorn. Jana’s daughter was tragically killed at the age of 21 in a car accident. Jana wanted to build a home for girls in Tanzania that would carry on the memory of her daughter. The Home has become a reality with help from Australia, USA, Norway and Denmark.
Today 25 girls from the age of 6 to 18 live at Hayley’s House. They all have a sad story behind them. They have lost parents to AIDS. They have experienced violence and violating acts. One of the girls at the age of 12 was married against her will to an old masai man.
Today the girls live peacefully and secure at the home where a house mom looks after their needs. They all attend New Life Academy and have a bright future ahead of them.

New Life City Church
Having waited for many years for the right time to start our church, the Holy Spirit inspired us to do so in March 2008.
New Life City Church is being pastored by Peter Raphael. Peter has been trained at our school of ministry. He graduated from our school with the highest grades we have ever had. Peter is a dynamic and inspiring minister with a heart for the church. He is also our team pastor for the rest of New Life Outreach and New Life Academy. We want the church to be a local church. Therefore we reach out to the local community with a lot of different activities and projects.
An important part of the church is the children’s church. Through this children’s church we reach out to the children of the local community and make a lot of good relationships with the families in the community.
New Life City Church is subject to the board of New Life Outreach. The leadership of New Life Outreach attends church activities regularly and encourages all co-ministers to do the same.
Academy of Leadership
Since we opened Academy of Leadership, more than 700 students with a calling to preach the Gospel and teach the Word of God, have passed through one year of intensive training. Both are men and women who today plant new churches not only in Tanzania, but also outside the boarders of Tanzania.
We have had more than a few students who could not read nor write but as time passed by in the College and through a miracle they received the gift to read and to write. Today they are on fire and a blessing to thousands of people.
Several of the former students today have big churches and powerful ministries, one of them is our pastor Peter Raphael and another pastor Jonas Lota who both are members of the leadership at New Life Outreach, Tanzania.

Water projects
For more than 6 years Dr. Egon and Hannah had no water to their home and every day they went out with a tractor and trailer to look for water. Through this experience they know what difficulties the local people are facing when they go to fetch water with one bucket on their head and one in each hand. They walk several miles every day to find water for their family. Our school, New Life Academy with more than 700 students, was also without water, but when Benjamin Filskov together with Need to Care, Grundfos and ApiAid helped us to drill for water the life changed for all students and staff. Besides this we drilled two more places in the village of Olosiva and built water stations. The local people don’t need to walk far any more in order to get water and the life has become healthier through clean water from the boreholes. This water is a blessing to thousands of people.